Upcoming Dates and Activities

  • Thursday, March 13, DES Conferences 3:45 - 7:15, Thursday, March 20 DES Conferences 3:45-7:15 Friday, March 21 Teacher Workshop NO SCHOOL Spring Break March 24-28

Friday, January 31, 2014

Heart Words

If you haven't done so already, it is time to get serious about <3 words!!!!

Knowing these important sight words helps build a child's confidence and fluency in learning to read.

I had a parent request a set of all the words so far this year.  I can appreciate that they get lost over time.  Please email me if you also want a replacement set.  I will send them out to you!


Thursday, January 30, 2014

Play in Kindergarten? The Great Debate!

There is an on-going battle - even in my own mind - between Kindergarten environments being more academic or more developmental.  It is a tricky balance!  There are more and more academic demands on children at a younger and younger age.  I want to help them be successful.  Yet, I know they need to play!

Here is a great example of how to do both:

Some of it may be challenging to read, but you can see that building with blocks actually DOES get at core academic subjects!  This is true for all the the 'play' we engage in here at school.

As the year goes on and the children mature, many move on to academics when there is a choice.  (Usually writing or reading.)  Others still play and build and construct.  Children have a knack for knowing what they need!

So the next time you come and think we are only playing...


Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Big THANKS to Anonymous!

When we came back to school today, there was a big box waiting for us.  We were so excited to open it... having no idea what it was!  I knew I hadn't ordered anything!

This is what we found!!!!

We added up the number of pieces on all the packages and found we were given 206 pieces!

I am so incredibly thankful to the person who sent us this gift.  The children wanted to write a thank you, so I had to explain 'anonymous'!  What a generous, fun, and motivating learning tool.  


Last Friday's Centers

New Penguin Memory Game

Giant paper Fun!

Reading of course!

O is for Owl

Leggo <3

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Band Jewelry

Just so you know, I have a growing collection of rubber band jewelry.  I rarely see the children actually wearing it.  I see them pulling, chewing, breaking, shooting, and tug-o-waring with it most often.  IF the jewelry is still intact, they get one warning before I take it.  If the jewelry is already in pieces, I just take it.  So....  if some pieces of jewelry come up missing, my guess is it is on my desk or in pieces in the garbage.

I think this is an awesome craft for children to know how to do!  It just seems it is best left at home.  (Or in the school bag - which is what I have them do for the 'warning'.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Guest Performance

Every year former students look forward to coming back and performing their reading skills for the Kindergarteners.  This is a great way to encourage the Kindergarteners to practice their reading and set a goal to come back in the future!  A Reader's Theater group from Ms. Schroeder's class stopped by today.  If you look closely, you will see a student from this year's classroom performing with them!

Reader's Theater 1/21/14

Friday, January 17, 2014

Centers 1/17/14

Puppet Show!

Writing:  How many words can you make from the word 'it'?

Building with Magnatiles.

Write around the room...

                                            ...copy words from each letter of the alphabet.

Reading big books and tracking the print with pointers.

Thursday, January 16, 2014


A few days ago, I decided to get the puppets out.  This is always a BIG decision.  Some years the puppets never come out!  But this year I was excited to give it a try.  I let the students play freely with the puppets for a few days.  Then I 'let it slip' that I had a puppet theater.  OH MY!!!!

Everyone was excited to try the puppet theater!  I told them that if we were going to bring it out, they needed to have a 'plan' for what they were going to perform.  Either they needed a story or a picture or a script to go by.  They ran and got out their writing folder and got to work!

Did I mention this was during their morning play time when they can do anything in the room?  And your children were choosing to write!

When the first 'script' was presented, I rolled in the theater.  We discussed a few expectations - mostly that only three could be behind the theater at a time, and how to take turns.
This was still play time for them!  This is what they did almost completely on their own:

Some students sang songs, others told a story.  There was even some poetry recited!  

It was amazing to me to watch them organize themselves and watch each other perform so respectfully.  I was just observing from the far end of the room!  This is remarkable!  I was so proud of all of them and knew you would be, too!

There will be more shows coming.  More 'scripts' are in the works!  

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Cold & Flu Season

Yesterday we had two students absent.  Two more went home after lunch because of a fever.  This morning 5 students are absent.  It is that time of year!

We do everything we can here at school to minimize the impact of germs on the students.  However, at this age things like nose picking and fingers and pencils and markers in the mouth are quite common. So, the most important thing here is to make sure there is lots of hand washing and the tables are sprayed and cleaned.

One problem you could help with is the water bottles.  They are supposed to go home each night.  If the water bottle does not go home, the child will not be allowed to use it again the next day.  They can again use that bottle when it has been taken home and washed.

If you are going to send a bottle with your child - and I do think that is a good idea for learning - then please check their bag each night and wash it out before it comes back.  That is the standard expectation for water bottles in all classrooms.

One last request... if your child has a fever that is being controlled by tylenol or some other fever reducer, please keep them at home.  They are still considered to have a fever.

Thank you!

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Centers 1/14/14

Building with geometric forms and shapes, including magnetiles. (sp?)
Kenzie brought in the magnetiles to share with the class.  Here is another picture of what can be done with them:  
I am not sure where to get them.  One other student says he has some at home.  They are very cool.  Don't be surprised if your child wants it on their next gift list!

Reading Nook

R is for Robot:  Making a robot with cut out shapes.

Writing Stories.  Mittens seem to be the popular topic today.

Decorating snowflakes with glitter glue!

Friday, January 10, 2014

Centers 1/10/14

Listening:  Building Buddy and Snowmen at Work

Writing Stories

Building with 3D shapes

Story with floor tangrams to illustrate


Wednesday, January 8, 2014


Welcome back.... again!  It will be so nice to get back into a routine at school.  I'm sure you feel the same at home! l The children are doing really well in spite of some cabin fever!  They were inside again today for recess!

Tuesday mail will be coming home today and tomorrow is the first day homework folders come home.  There will be a letter in the homework folder explaining some changes.

I will try very hard to get back into a routine of taking pictures and sharing more info!  Thank you for your patience!

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Welcome Back!

Welcome back to the everyday routines of life again!  I hope you all had a fun and meaningful break with friends and family.

I am convinced that the children GREW while they were gone for that week and a half!!!!

Some things we need:

Snack!  We have two boxes of Ritz and then the cupboard is bare.  :)

A change of clothes that fit!!  This winter has been sloppy snowy!  Each child should have a winter change of clothes in their locker that fits them.

Our next topic in math starts on Monday.  We will be studying geometry.  Some words we will use include:  squares, circles, triangles, rectangles, trapezoids, hexagons, cubes, cones, cylinders and spheres.  We will also be talking about symmetry!  Any opportunity you have to point out such things in a natural environment is GREAT!