Upcoming Dates and Activities

  • Thursday, March 13, DES Conferences 3:45 - 7:15, Thursday, March 20 DES Conferences 3:45-7:15 Friday, March 21 Teacher Workshop NO SCHOOL Spring Break March 24-28

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Gingerbread Math

The students enjoyed playing a math game using a gingerbread man board.  Each player had to roll two dice and count up (add) up the total number of dots.  They then could color in that answer on their board.

 Each Kindergartener was given a game board to bring home and play.  They could use markers to cover the numbers that were taken and play the game again and again!

Reading Buddies

Buddy Reading with the other Kindergarten class and Mrs. Nelson's class:

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Gingerbread Mischief!

The gingerbread people continue to cause stirrings around the school, the town and the world it seems! Ask your child about the one that went to The White House!  We keep trying to gather them back so we can keep them safe from the crafty fox!

Gingerbread person caught googling "How to build a gingerbread house"

We never did figure out why this gingerbread person was being so daring!

This gingerbread person had been to Buffalo Clinic to see the Dr.  
They sent her back to the gym to get some exercise!

On a side note...
Please allow me to thank you for sharing your children with me.  I care deeply about each and every one of them and consider it not only a responsibility but a blessing to be a part of their day.

Friday, December 14, 2012


Homework will be coming home with the children today.  I realize it is a day late.  Sorry for any confusion!  This will be the last homework for the 2012 portion of the school year!  :)

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Gingerbread Man Found

One of the runaway Gingerbread Men was found getting help in the nurse's office.  Upon interviewing the nurse, it would appear he was injured while frosting cookies.  We are very relieved he is back and safe with us.... and away from the FOX!

The children wrote the following:

I ran, ran, ran
To see the nurse
While frosting cookies
I got hurt.
I feel much better!
Thank you!!

Monday, December 10, 2012

Do Clothes Make the Man????

Of course not!  However, clothes will keep the student dry and warm!

With the cold weather, a reminder that children need to have snowpants and gloves as well as their coats.  The snowpants help keep them dry but also keeps them warm.

From the office:  K-2 Teachers please put in your classroom newsletter that students need to have an extra change of clothing in their lockers. The health office does not have a great deal to pick from. 

Some of the extra clothing is for the wrong season (e.g. shorts) or are now too small!  Please make sure your child has some back-up clothes for snow and wet emergencies.

Thank you!

p.s.  Did I mention zippers???  :)

Friday, December 7, 2012

Gingerbread People on the Loose!

In spite of having built them a beautiful home...

the Gingerbread People keep running off.  We are very concerned because there may be a sly and hungry fox out there and we want our Gingerbread People to be safe!  So far we have found them in the hallways, by the computers, and in the lunchroom.  This afternoon, we even discovered one had gone to the nurse!
The children wrote the following explanation:
I ran ran ran
To see the nurse
while frosting cookies
I got hurt
She helped me out
It feels much better.
Thank you!

We will continue to try and keep our Gingerbread People safe from the fox!

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Ms. Tacke I'm all Done!

Children do not all work at the same pace.  Some are show and thoughtful, others are quick to express their learning.  So, what do the children do when they are all done with their work?

In our classroom, there are a few choices.  Children can...

*  look at a book in the circle or reading nook
*  help a neighbor with their project
*  get out their writing folder
*  do a job that helps with running the classroom
*  rest at their table spot

A student helps pass out papers into the mailboxes.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Did you know....

... that you can access the Discovery School Student Handbook on line?

Our class used the handbook today to review the section titled:  Student Responsibilities.
We are learning about how a student contributes to a school's environment by the way they chose to act.  We continue to work on Caring, Cooperation, Contributing, Collaborating and Celebrating!  (Discovery's 5 C's)

Tomorrow we get to Celebrate the class earning 10 stars.  They will get to have "Fun Time with Shar"!  That is everyone's favorite celebration!

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Second Puzzle Table Opens

It turns out that one puzzle table was just not enough for this amazing group of children!  We have made room for a second table and during quiet time (after lunch) both tables were full!


A Discovery Kindergarten Tradition 
begins to unfold...

Monday, December 3, 2012

Friday, November 30, 2012

Toys for Tots

Monday starts our annual Toys for Tots community service project.

For more (and fun!) information watch this student performed video:

Toys for Tots at Discovery
Once you get to the site, watch each clip and then click on the right arrow at the bottom right corner of the page.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Read Around the Room

Read Around the Room is a new activity children can do when they are done with all their work.  Most children will read around the room using a pointer stick.  As they point to heart words, posters, letters, numbers, anything at all... they quietly read the word, letter or number to them self.  If a child needs support from another student, the two of them use one pointer and read around the room together.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Kudos to You, Parents!

Today was our first day of major 'dressing' for recess.  Almost all children had snow pants, boots, hats and mittens.  EVERYONE had hats and mittens which is excellent!

The best news is that I did not have to help zip one single coat today.  I believe that is a Kindergarten record!!!!!  I am impressed!

Thank you for any and all practicing you did to help your children learn to get themselves ready for recess.  Today was a great success!

Monday, November 19, 2012

The Daily Three

Each day we try to make sure we do three things that help us grow as readers.
1.  Read to Self  (reading stamina)
2.  Word work  (e.g. making -at words:  cat, sat, hat)
3.  Read to someone  (Buddy Reading)

When the children do Buddy Reading, many good things happen!  To begin, they do rock, paper, scissors to see who gets to pick a book from their tub first.  They share common interestes with others in the class, they look for heart words together.  They search for the book's meaning together and learn to love books together.   It is one of their favorite times of the day.

Friday, November 16, 2012

Our Thanksgiving Story

This is my first attempt at posting something like this.  This is a story written by our class: